Last December, our starting goal was $100, and the agreement
was that if we reached our goal, Co-Editor in Chief Rob Pockat would take the epic plunge. We reached
that goal so quickly that we decided to raise the stakes: if we reached $250 by
New Year’s Eve, Co-Editor in Chief Signe Jorgenson would join Rob in frolicking through the icy Lake
Michigan surf despite an air temperature of 14 degrees, wind chills in the single digits, and water temperatures in the low 30s. With the help of our wonderful supporters, we reached that goal,
and the rest is history.
This time around, we’re doing things a little bit
differently. There’s no question of if we
will be taking the plunge. We’re totally, 100% doing it. (Brrrr. I’m chilly
just thinking about it.) This year’s catch is that you get to decide how far we’ll go, and you get prizes in return for donating!
This is how it works: The more total money we raise, the further we’ll submerge ourselves into the
water. For example, if we raise a total of $50, we'll enter the water up to our knees, $100 our mid-thighs, and so on:
$100 – mid-thighs
$150 – hips
$200 – belly
$250 – chests
$300 – shoulders
You can visit our website to donate, or click the button at the bottom of this post. We’re taking donations of ANY amount, but prizes will be awarded at certain benchmarks:
- $10 – one of our new, handmade Stoneboat bookmarks
- $20 – a Stoneboat t-shirt
- $50 – a one year subscription to Stoneboat and a poem of your choice (the first 10 lines, or the whole poem if it's less than 10 lines) will be read in the water/at the event*
*We will try to read as many poems in the water as possible,
and we’ll ensure that all selections are read at the event.
Thanks for supporting Stoneboat! Our journal doesn't receive any university funding, grant money, or external funding, so we survive solely on your continued support through subscriptions, book and t-shirt sales, and donations. We sincerely appreciate it.
Thanks for supporting Stoneboat! Our journal doesn't receive any university funding, grant money, or external funding, so we survive solely on your continued support through subscriptions, book and t-shirt sales, and donations. We sincerely appreciate it.
I have very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I want to raise money for the journal. (We need it!) On the other hand, I have no desire to find out what it feels like to be submerged in Lake Michigan all the way up to my shoulders in the dead of winter. That's almost intolerable even in July!
You don't have to submerge all the way for me! I just want a photo of you in the water, at least waist deep.
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