Friday, March 29, 2013

A Break in the Guest Blogging

Sy Regan reads his work at the inaugural
Stoneboat release reading, 11/2010.
Hey, Stoneboaters.  Signe here.  We're taking a break in our guest blogging series to bring you an update on the spring issue. My co-editors and I are getting really excited about the work we chose, and production is well underway.  The first round of copyediting is complete, the text is on its way into InDesign, and the cover is coming into focus. We've still got a lot of work to do, but Lisa -- the bubbly, social member of our little quartet -- has turned her attention to our issue release reading while Jim works on the layout.  (We won't take our proverbial red pens to the text again until we've got something that looks like a journal.)

Here's the essential info about the reading:
May 11th, 2013
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Paradigm Coffee & Music
1202 N. 8th Street, Sheboygan WI

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Guest Blogger, Erik Richardson: Computers As Poets: Could We Build a Better Byron?

Today, Erik Richardson gives us more food for thought as we continue to examine whether poetry can be governed--or created--by rules. What do you think? Right now, I am so wishing I understood the rules of HTML. I am sorry that I cannot for the life of me make this post look more uniform in terms of line spacing and such. I am not a designer. I am a poet. The two are not always mutually exclusive, but in my case, they are...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Guest Blogger, Chuck Rybak: The Beatings Will Continue Until Poetry Improves

(With a Bonus Choose-Your-Own Adventure)

Poet, professor, and Stoneboat friend Chuck Rybak, offers some thoughts today on the concept of rules as applied to poetry. You can even test yourself at the end and see what you are made of. Did I just dangle a participle? I sure hope so.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Guest Post by Christine Deitte, our Stoneboat Intern

Christine Deitte is a senior art major at Lakeland College with a graphic design emphasis. She is serving as Stoneboat's intern during the Spring 2013 semester, and she previously held an internship with Lakeland College's Career Development office. Christine chose to intern with Stoneboat to strengthen her writing skills, and she felt that it was a particularly good fit when she learned that the journal publishes creative nonfiction, which is an interest of hers. We've loved having Christine on board as a member of the Stoneboat team and are grateful for all the work she has done in the last few months.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Guest Blogger, Ed Werstein: Scaling War and Peace

In the weeks ahead, Stoneboat will continue its new endeavor of giving this forum over to various guest bloggers. Today, we are pleased to welcome poet Ed Werstein as he attempts to make his way through one very long tome:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Guest Blogger, Sarah Busse: A Was an Apple Pie

Take some time this morning to ponder with poet and Verse Wisconsin co-editor, Sarah Busse, the value of the gift, of giving. Then, today, make it a point to give something to someone. It is all about moving the gift, readers. Try it, you'll like it.